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AMANO BX1500 Electronic Time Recorder

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RMB¥1,437.6 (You save RMB¥177.4)
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Product Description

功能: - 單色印刷 - 操作簡便,通電即用,萬年曆 - 顯示清晰,一目了然 - 自動吸卡 - 六欄記錄,並可設定上下半月的印字位置 - 防止修改打印時間功能 規格: 打印方式:卡片自動吸入/點陣打印方式 時鐘功能: 水晶振動方式/周差小於± 3 秒 (25°C ~ ±5°C) 斷電後保存時間: 出廠開始累計三年(鋰電池) 電源: AC220V± 10% 消耗功率: 待機2W/工作時8W 適用環境: 溫度:-10°C ~ 40°C 濕度:10% ~ 90% RH(無凝露) 外型尺寸: H224 x W190 x D104mm 重量: 2.3kg 顏色: 白色 其他: 防止修改打印時間功能 ** 一年自攜保用 **
‧Fully electronic time recorder with large, clear analogue indication ‧Ergonomically shaped slot for timecards with anti-dust lid ‧Silent time adjustment ‧Quartz clock with an accuracy of ± 3 sec/week ‧Soundless matrix printer ‧Automatic time card feeding capability ‧Maintenance of program data during power failure ‧Calendar with automatic date adjustment ‧Automatic adjustment for daylight saving time ‧Programmable day switch ‧6 lighted keys for IN/OUT pre-selection ‧Can print up to 6 columns ‧Printing selection: AM/PM or 0-23 hour, regular minute, 1/100, 1/10 or 1/20 hour ‧AMANO timecard size 86mm ‧Detection for both sides of the card ‧Preprogrammed basic functions ‧Delivery including black ribbon ‧Wall mounting or installation on table

客戶可經網上訂購所須貨品 . 亦可經傳真 3421 1883 或致電本公司客戶服務部查詢 訂購熱線 2341 7096 . 我們的客戶服務主任會樂意為您解答及協助閣下訂購. 客戶凡於本網站購物電腦周邊商品 或 文具用品滿 $500,即可享用免費送貨服務(只適用於商業樓宇). 閣下亦可親自到本公司門市部提取所需商品

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