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AMANO EX3500N Electronic Time Recorder

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HKD$2,150 (You save HKD$266)
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Product Description

功能: - 雙色印刷 - 操作簡便,萬年曆,自動吸卡 - 外接報時訊號輸出端口 - 正反面判別 規格: 電源:220/240VAC ± 10% 50/60Hz 消耗功率: 待機時4W , 最大20W 適用環境: 溫度:-10°C ~ 40°C 濕度:10% ~ 90% RH(無凝露) 外型尺寸: H224 x W190 x D127mm 重量: 2.3kg ** 一年自攜保用 **
‧Fully electronic time recorder with large, clear analogue display ‧Ergonomically shaped slot for timecards with anti-dust lid ‧Silent time adjustment ‧Quartz clock with an accuracy of ± 3 sec/week ‧Quiet matrix printer (9 needles) ‧Automatic time card feeding capability ‧Maintenance of program data during power failure ‧Calendar with automatic date adjustment ‧Automatic adjustment for daylight saving time ‧Two-color printing black/red ‧Automatic column shift ‧Relay for ringing signal ‧Free programmable weekly programs ‧Programmable day switch ‧6 lighted keys for IN/OUT selection ‧Can print up to 6 columns ‧Regular minute, 1/100, 1/10 or 1/20 hour display ‧AMANO timecard size 86mm ‧Column switch through keys ‧Detection for both sides of the card ‧Preprogrammed basic functions ‧Delivery including black/red ribbon ‧Wall mounting or installation on table

客戶可經網上訂購所須貨品 . 亦可經傳真 3421 1883 或致電本公司客戶服務部查詢 訂購熱線 2341 7096 . 我們的客戶服務主任會樂意為您解答及協助閣下訂購. 客戶凡於本網站購物電腦周邊商品 或 文具用品滿 $500,即可享用免費送貨服務(只適用於商業樓宇). 閣下亦可親自到本公司門市部提取所需商品

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