BIO 330D A3 Laminator(80-250mic)
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Product Description
BIO 330D
專 業 高 速 安全 環保
A3 330mm 南韓製造
專業6滾筒,44T精鋼齒輪, 微處理器及直流馬達
Clean Work Environment, ISO 14001 及 無鉛物料認證
專業6滾筒 CERACON heater rollers (4熱2冷) ,省電高效率
重量級14.1kg 31磅,44T精鋼齒輪,真材實料,穩定耐用
專業維修隊, 一年市區上門保用,免費指導操作,輔以電話支援
Max. Laminating Width 進紙入口 330mm / 13”
Operation Temperature 溫度調節 0-105℃
Laminating Speed 速度 105 cm/min.分鐘
Max Laminating Thickness 過膠總厚度 2mm
Reverse Switch 回退鍵
Preheating Period 預熱時間 3 min.分鐘
Dimension/Weight/Power 呎吋/重量/功率 58x29.5x14cm / 14.1kg / 1,000W
BIO 330D laminator
A3 330mm , is able to make three pictures in a minute (A4 x 3)
Heavy duty, made in KOREA
Max. Laminating Width 330mm / 13”
Operation Temperature 0-105℃
Laminating Speed 105 cm/min.分鐘
Max Laminating Thickness 2mm
Reverse Switch yes
Preheating Period 3 minutes
Dimension/Weight/Power 58x29.5x14cm / 14.1kg / 1,000W
This is a high speed laminator designed for heavy duty and professional purpose, suitable for photo shop, office, school .
“Clean Work Environment” and ISO 14001 certified, production from lead free materials.Equipped with six CERACON heater rollers and DC motor, this laminator transfers the heat quickly and steadily into each roller and runs the roller smoothly, so that you can get a fine lamination result every time.Microprocessor control system, optimum laminating temperature and roller speed are able to be automatically selected, appropriated for various types of lamination. User can be protected in case of accident such as electrical shock and heat from the laminator, as all covers are made of industrial type plastic. Power saving due to the lower operating temperature and automatic control of speed and temperature, Soft-Touch control panel & Alarm System, the signal light & sound alert appeared during the changes of mode.
客戶可經網上訂購所須貨品 . 亦可經傳真 3421 1883 或致電本公司客戶服務部查詢 訂購熱線 2341 7096 . 我們的客戶服務主任會樂意為您解答及協助閣下訂購. 客戶凡於本網站購物電腦周邊商品 或 文具用品滿 $500,即可享用免費送貨服務(只適用於商業樓宇). 閣下亦可親自到本公司門市部提取所需商品
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