Pcs MA100MB ─ 顯示器專用旋臂既可騰出桌面空間,又可將LCD顯示屏調校至正確人體工學位置。座?型旋臂可、調節自如的專用旋臂可上下、前後移動,操作簡單。主要特色:可於6個定位、8吋範圍內調整高度。顯示器可旋轉成直向或橫向。可旋轉180°,前後傾斜80°,以達至最佳人體工學位置。固定夾鉗或固定管配件適合厚度達1-7/8寸的桌面。可承托高達18磅的顯示器。適合75 x75毫米及100x100 毫米 VESA-D顯示器螺栓孔模式。 MA100MB - Mechanical Adjust Monitor Arm, Desk-Mounted
Free up space on your desk and set your LCD monitor at the best ergonomic position. Highly adjustable arm moves up, down, forward and back.
Key Features
‧Height adjusts up and down through 8寸 range at 6 fixed positions. Monitor can rotate to portrait or landscape.
‧Swivels 180° and tilts forward and back 180° for optimal ergonomic positioning.
‧Clamp mount system for desks up to 1-7/8寸 thick.
‧For monitors up to 18 lbs. Fits both 75x75 mm and 100x100 mm VESA-D monitor bolt hole patterns.