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3M KD95CG Keyboard Drawers

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Product Description

3M? 鍵盤座 Keyboard Drawers ‧備有可安放在桌上或桌下,兼備有可調校高度及傾斜度的型號 ‧鍵盤及滑鼠連成一直線擺放,減少因手部經常外展而勞損 ‧單臂式設計適合安裝於狹小的工作空間 ‧附設3M?凝膠腕墊及3M?穿梭光學滑鼠墊面 KD95CG ‧鍵盤及滑鼠盤成一直線擺放,減少因手部經常外展而勞損 ‧可按需要把托盤伸延至桌下3/4寸 , 1-1/2寸,2-5/8寸 及 3-3/4寸 四個不同高度 ‧托盤傾斜度可調校,讓腕部保持舒適的位置 ‧結構堅固,可承托21寸顯示屏及負重達80磅 ‧附設3M凝膠腕墊及3M穿梭光學滑鼠墊面 ‧簡易設計,無需安裝 ‧27.9寸 x 16.8寸 x 4寸
KD95CG The adjustable keyboard management solution where there is no space under the work surface. Great for laboratories or settings where workstations are frequently moved around. Desktop design provides height and tilt adjustment up to 3?寸 below desk level. Wide platform places mouse next to keyboard for added comfort. Leatherette gel wrist rest is easy to keep clean. Easy to use and had great stability. Steel reinforced construction. No installation required. Accepts keyboards with maximum height of 1?寸.

客戶可經網上訂購所須貨品 . 亦可經傳真 3421 1883 或致電本公司客戶服務部查詢 訂購熱線 2341 7096 . 我們的客戶服務主任會樂意為您解答及協助閣下訂購. 客戶凡於本網站購物電腦周邊商品 或 文具用品滿 $500,即可享用免費送貨服務(只適用於商業樓宇). 閣下亦可親自到本公司門市部提取所需商品

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