Pcs - 特大橙黃色背燈顯示屏- 可設定4種薪金計算周期:月計/半月計/雙周計/一周計- 鎖匙及密碼管理- 自動調節夏令時間- 內置電池,可於停電時保留記憶體內的數據和設定-一年自攜保用產品規格:6欄自動或手動跳格打 Product Description
‧Large display with amber back light
‧Selectable 4 pay periods: monthy/semi-monthly/bi-weekly/wekly
‧Physical key lock and password security
‧Automatic daylight saving time adjustment
‧Built-in battery for memory backup of data & settings
‧1-year warranty
Up to 6 printing columns , automatic by program or manual shift
Imprint mode : dot matrix printing with blank ribbon cassette
Time format : 12/24 hour
Clock accuracy +/- 15 seconds per month
Dimesions : W175 x D132 x H244mm
Weight : Approx. 1.6kg