Set items include: ◆ First Aid Box 12.25寸x12.75寸x5寸(D) x 1 ◆ *Banitore Sterile Gauze Pads 2寸x2寸(5's) x 2 ◆ *Banitore Sterile Gauze Pads 3寸x3寸 (5's) x 1 ◆ *Triangle Bandage x 2 ◆ *Banitore Elastic Bandage 3寸x4.5M x 2 ◆ *Acetate Silk Tape 0.5寸x5M x 1 ◆ *Banitore Protective Plasters 53x72mm(5's)x 1 ◆ *Banitore Cotton Balls 30g x 2 ◆ *Safety Pins 12's x 1 ◆ *Banitore Protective Plasters 100's x 1 ◆ Scissors x 1 ◆ Disposable latex Gloves (M) x 4 ◆ Bandage 3寸 x 2 ◆ Banitore Mercurochrome 30ml x 1 ◆ Banitore Povidone Iodine 30ml x 1 ◆ Banitore Gentian Violet 30ml x 1 ◆ Banitore Acrinol Solution 30ml x 1 ◆ - * Items are required by Labour Department ◆ - For company with 10 to 50 staff